just a quick shout out to all those cats who bat pics around the interwebs.
it paints pretty and keeps connections sweet and fresh.
- !
you have missed the red morning suns…my iPhone just can’t capture it like garrett’s photo does
It’s my pleasure to share my photos with you and your readers.
My photo of the red sun was shot with a 400mm lens.
Love sharing…..
have a save trip! remember, the smell under the seat is Anthony’s fault.
I love sharing too! Just added some more pix to the pool…
I have a badge placed on http://www.norcal.christiancycling too. Thanks for sharing. I love the fresh feel and appeal. The norcal cycling scene is so EVERTHING cycling. Love it here. Can’t leave, regardless of the cost of living.
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June 28th, 2008 at
you have missed the red morning suns…my iPhone just can’t capture it like garrett’s photo does
June 28th, 2008 at
It’s my pleasure to share my photos with you and your readers.
My photo of the red sun was shot with a 400mm lens.
June 29th, 2008 at
Love sharing…..
June 29th, 2008 at
have a save trip! remember, the smell under the seat is Anthony’s fault.
June 30th, 2008 at
I love sharing too! Just added some more pix to the pool…
July 3rd, 2008 at
I have a badge placed on http://www.norcal.christiancycling too. Thanks for sharing. I love the fresh feel and appeal. The norcal cycling scene is so EVERTHING cycling. Love it here. Can’t leave, regardless of the cost of living.